Churches Together in Cheshire is
in association with Churches Together in
Reg. Charity Number 1115015

The Trustees of Churches Together in Cheshire are:
Revd. Sheryl Anderson, Chair of Methodist Liverpool District
Rt. Revd. Mark Davies, Bishop of Shrewsbury
Major Gareth Dickens, Salvation Army
Mr. Michael Hennessey, Society of Friends (Chair of Trustees)
Revd. Helen Kirk, Chair of Chester and Stoke Methodist District
Rt. Revd. Mark Tanner Bishop of Chester
The County Ecumenical Development Officer, responsible to the Trustees is:
Revd. Charlotte Truman
Tel: 07540144425
e-mail: ceo.ctic@gmail.com

The Agricultural Chaplaincy is sponsored by Churches Together in Cheshire and offers support to those in the county's farming industries and communities.
Tel: 07967 559 594
For more details go to
There is also a team of Denominational Ecumenical Officers who can help with information about ecumenical matters relating to their denomination. They are:
Anglican: Revd Steve Clapham 01270 876604
Methodist: Revd Patricia Bilsborrow 01606 872057 (Stoke and Chester District)
Roman Catholic: Revd. Paul Shaw 01244 350236
Society of Friends: Mrs Joy Anderson
United Reformed Church: Revd. Ian Smith 0151 638 6453
Salvation Army: Major Gareth Dickens